Friday, January 20, 2006

Dad Back In The Hospital

No big suprise, Daddy is back in the hospital. He was really kind of pitiful today. I am glad that he is in the hospital where they can take care of him. Bless his heart, he is just struggling so. I have bronchitis! Woo Hoo! Lovin that! :(

So, I am at home typing this trying to take a nap...not sucessfully...too much coughing. My sister is downtown at the hospital with my dad. She went pretty much right after work. I hate that I am not going back down tonight, but I just feel awful.

Tomorrow is another day. Dare I say...a BETTER DAY! :)

1 comment:

PupSquadFoster said...

You were the first person to ever comment on my blog. Sorry you see to be having a rough time. I'll say a lil prayer for you.