Monday, June 11, 2007

Which Path To Take?

Today as I ran errands here in "the creek", I saw a sign advertising an office space for rent. I called on a lark and the price was incredibly $375 a month. Most of the offices available in this area are well over $1000 a month! I met the woman and looked at the space. It would work easily for massage. Then she mentioned another space she had for $475 that included electricity! So, I went to look at that space. It is next to a salon! This seems to be too good to be true. I wasn't really looking for an office space.

In the past month or so I have really been disheartened with the nursing student world. Just so many prereqs and such a long waiting list. I am also worried about how I will do at the nursing home, if I ever get that far! :)

My whole reason to get into nursing was to be able to help people and to have a stable income and benefits for myself and my husband. He has great benefits where he works, but when he retires he will have to pay his own. I also don't like not contributing to the household. That is my issue, not his. Anyway, I know that I am good at massage. I just need to get my license renewed. I am in the process of doing that now.

The down side, no benefits and unstable income, starting new business. The up side, work my own schedule, already have the training, less than a mile from my house, I like doing it, I am good at it. I guess I am really just talking myself into it. I don't know. I talked to my sister about it earlier and I felt like she was dissappointed in me. Whatever. No matter what I do, it has to be the right thing for me. I think I am through pounding my head into a brick wall in regards to nursing. Maybe it just isn't meant to be. In reality, I guess I have been nursing since the moment my mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1999 until my father passed away in 2006. Actually it all began when dad had his leg amputated in 1996.

Maybe the burnout I got with massage had more to do with being drawn in every direction and less to do with the actual massage business. I also think I had allowed my clients to take my for granted a bit. I have more to think about, but I am leaning more toward renting the space and starting over AGAIN! :) Thoughts? Post a comment or you can email me privately if you would rather. Any input will be appreciated!

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